While determining the occupational safety measures, it should be determined separately for each sector according to the “Occupational Health and Safety Law” numbered 6331 and the regulations, circulars and communiqués issued in accordance with this law. Occupational safety measures are determined as a result of the work to be done by the occupational safety specialist according to the characteristics of the workplace. With the cooperation of the parties, hazards are eliminated and in case of dangerous situations that cannot be removed, measures to be taken and determination of what to do to prevent harm to the employee is ensured.
As basic occupational safety measures, it can be determined as providing appropriate training for the employees to their work, receiving appropriate orientation trainings for our workplace, identifying the personal protective equipment they need to use and delivering them with training to be given to the employees.
With these trainings, as “İlarya Textiles” , it is our biggest goal to minimize occupational accidents, to make fatal work accidents disappear into history and to ensure a happy working environment.